Affordable, Efficient and Reliable Share Market Technical Analysis Software Everything you need to successfully invest on the stock market
Technical Analysis Software
Accurate JSE data including indices, equities, futures and agricultural futures, warrants, international market indices, unit trusts, currencies, commodities and cryptocurrencies. Multiple technical indicators, fundamentals, market scans, portfolio manager and more.
Investment Education
Comprising 32 comprehensive lecture modules, our online investment course takes you through the basics of stock market investment and on to the advanced technical indicators in your software which generate buy and sell signals.
Investment Club Software
Manages your investment club from one centralised online location where a daily unit price based on the value of your portfolio is calculated. Allows for the recording and management of your club portfolio as well as a watchlist of shares and discussion forum.

About Progress Data Services
PDSNET (Progress Data Services) specialises in the development and sale of local as well as internationally acclaimed share trading investment software and education.
Over the last 35 years, we have become the largest local provider of stock market data, providing data of all equities quoted on the JSE (Johannesburg Stock Exchange), Futures, Unit Trusts, Currencies and Commodities as well as many of the major International Indices.
Our mission is to provide accurate and reliable JSE data to all our customers. As well as this, we aim to sell only the best technical analysis products on the market, and pride ourselves in supplying value for money.
A competent investor will tell you there are four basic criteria when choosing technical analysis software. We are proud to say that our software easily satisfies these, is sold ethically and is good value for money.
A long track record ensures reliability in terms of both data supply and support.
The ShareFriend software was the first of it's kind in South Africa. Since it's launch in the 90's it has been developed and maintained by expert software developers who are in touch with the latest in market needs and technical analysis charting features.
A large user base ensures there is available support and constant development.
As well as this, our software is regularly updated with new features and abilities, helping you to recognise opportunities in the market and invest your money soundly.
Flexibility allows you to enter your own analysis parameters giving you the options you need to do thorough analysis.
The ShareFriend software has many different indicators and mechanisms that you can use to narrow down which sectors are performing well, and which shares are worth buying.
A good scanning feature enables you to recognise opportunities in the market and act swiftly.
The ShareFriend software offers multiple scanning abilities which allow you to analyse different sectors of the market thoroughly and identify opportunities which are worth investigating further.