List of Opinions

The PDSnet opinions give a current overview of every listed company and are updated in response to messages on the Stock Exchange News Service (SENS), ur own in-house analysis and articles appearing in the media.

Each opinion gives the company’s nature of business, a summary of its most recent financial statements, a view of its technical (charting) position and our opinion as to its value at the current market price.

The Opinions are updated for interim and final reports as well as quarterlies, trading statements and trading updates. They cover every share listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE).

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeric Latest

RAC-PREFS - 25/10/2023

RECM and Calibre (RACP) is an investment holding company which has listed its preference shares on the JSE since June 2010. The company is controlled by Theunis... read more

RAINBOW - 04/09/2024

Rainbow is a chicken farming business from broilers through all stages of chicken production. It was unbundled from RCL Foods on 26th June 2024 with RCL shareholders... read more

RANGOLD - 01/09/2024

Rangold (RNG) is a mining exploration company. It has a strong asset base which is mostly now in cash. It is being used to pursue legal claims and may be applied... read more

RAUBEX - 19/09/2024

Raubex (RBX) is a construction company that was started in 1974 and listed on the JSE in 2007. The company has three divisions in construction, materials, and... read more

RAVEN - 22/08/2022

Raven Property Group (previously Raven Russia) (RAV), which took a secondary listing on the JSE from 10th September 2018, specialises in property in Russia and... read more

RBPLAT - 06/08/2023

Royal Bafokeng Platinum (RBP) is a platinum company controlled by Royal Bafokeng Holdings (RBH) which holds about R32bn worth of assets on behalf of the Bafokeng... read more

RCL - 04/09/2024

RCL is a large producer of food, sugar products and chicken in South Africa which is owned 80.4% by Remgro. The company owns a number of very well-known South... read more

RDI - 25/01/2021
RDI (RPL) is a real estate investment trust (REIT) listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and incorporated into the FTSE 250 index. It has a secondary listing on the JSE and has Redefine as... read more
REBOSIS - 29/08/2022

Rebosis (REB) was the first substantially black-owned and black-controlled real estate investment trust (REIT) listed on the JSE. It has a 50% exposure to retail... read more

REDEFINE - 07/05/2024

Redefine (RDF) is the second largest real estate investment trust in South Africa (after Growthpoint) with assets worth R72,9bn against a market capitalisation... read more

REINET - 20/10/2024

Reinet (RNI) is an investment holding company whose main asset is a holding of roughly 2,12% of British American Tobacco (BAT) worth about $1,8bn which now accounts... read more

REMGRO - 20/09/2024

Johann Rupert's Remgro (REM) is an investment holding company which owns 28,2% of Rand Merchant Bank Holdings (RMH) and 3,9% of Firstrand. But that is not Remgro's... read more

RENERGEN - 21/10/2024

Renergen (REN) describes itself as an "...integrated alternative energy business..." which invests in renewable energy projects in Africa. The company... read more

RESGEN - 04/05/2021
Resource Generation (RSG) is a junior coal mining company that is busy developing the Boikarabelo mine in the Waterberg in Limpopo Province. The company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange... read more
RESILIENT - 16/08/2024

The Resilient group of companies (Resilient, Lighthouse - previously Greenbay, Rockcastle and Fortress) used to be the high-flyers of the property sector until... read more

REUNERT - 23/05/2024

Reunert (RLO) is a company involved in electrical appliances, electrical engineering, and information communications. The company has been in existence for 130... read more

REX-TRUE - 01/10/2024

This share is extremely thinly traded companies listed on the JSE - which makes then completely impractical for private investors in their current form. RTO was... read more

REXTRUE-N - 26/08/2019
Rex Trueform (RTO) is an extremely thinly-traded company listed on the JSE - which makes it completely impractical for private investors in its current form. The company was established in 1937... read more
RHBOPHELO - 28/05/2024

RH Bophelo (RHB) is a black-owned African healthcare company that listed on the JSE in July 2017 as a "special purpose acquisition company" (SPAC) after raising... read more

RHODES - 13/09/2024

Rhodes (RFG) is a Western Cape manufacturer of convenience foods - started by Cecil John Rhodes in 1896. It has several well-known South African brands like Bisto,... read more

RMBH - 28/06/2024

Rand Merchant Bank Holdings (RMH) is a company which used to own 34,1% of Firstrand and, since 2016, has been investing in property. RMBH was started 41 years... read more

RMIH - 23/09/2022

Rand Merchant Investment Holdings (RMI) is an investment holding company which previously owned a financial services portfolio worth R56bn consisting of 24,8%... read more

ROCKWELL - 25/04/2019
Rockwell (RDI) develops and operates alluvial diamond deposits. The company owns and operates the Wouterspan property in Douglas, South Africa. This property has previously been mined, but has... read more
ROLFES - 07/11/2019
Rolfes (RLF) is a black-empowered chemicals company in the fledgling sector of the JSE which supplies products to the agricultural, chemicals, colourants, food ingredients and water industries.... read more