List of Opinions

The PDSnet opinions give a current overview of every listed company and are updated in response to messages on the Stock Exchange News Service (SENS), ur own in-house analysis and articles appearing in the media.

Each opinion gives the company’s nature of business, a summary of its most recent financial statements, a view of its technical (charting) position and our opinion as to its value at the current market price.

The Opinions are updated for interim and final reports as well as quarterlies, trading statements and trading updates. They cover every share listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE).

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeric Latest

REIT - 13/03/2025

Supermarket Income is a real estate investment trust (REIT) which focuses on investing in supermarket real estate in the UK and Europe. It has a portfolio worth... read more

CAFCA - 13/03/2025

Cafca (CAC) is a cable manufacturer that produces over 900 cable and transmission products. Most of its business is conducted in Southern Africa. The company is... read more

HULAMIN - 13/03/2025

Hulamin (HLM) is a producer and supplier of aluminium products in South Africa and trades in more than fifty countries internationally. It supplies foil, heat-treated... read more

ETHOSCAP - 13/03/2025

Ethos Capital Partners (EPE) is a private equity fund (PEF), incorporated in Mauritius, which invests into unlisted companies for long-term capital appreciation... read more

LIGHTHCAP - 13/03/2025

Lighthouse Capital (LTE) (previously Greenbay) was one of the Resilient group of REIT's (real estate investment trusts) along with Resilient itself, Rockcastle... read more

GROWPNT - 13/03/2025

Growthpoint (GRT) is South Africa's largest real estate investment trust (REIT) with a primary listing on the JSE. Prior to COVID-19, it consistently grew its... read more

SOUTH-PD - 12/03/2025

An Australian palladium mining company with a secondary listing on the JSE. South PD owns 70% of a South African company called "Miracle upon Miracle" (MUM). In... read more

HYPROP - 12/03/2025

Hyprop (HYP) is a leading property real estate investment trust (REIT) that specialises in high-quality shopping malls in South Africa and some interests in Eastern... read more

HOMCHOICE - 12/03/2025

Homechoice (HIL) is South Africa's largest home shopping retailer operating through two divisions - retail and financial services. It offers a broad range of home... read more

INSIMBI - 12/03/2025

Insimbi (ISB) is a group which manufactures and supplies specialist products to the industrial sector. They source, buy, package and process ferrous and non-ferrous... read more

ATTACQ - 12/03/2025

Attacq (ATT) is a BEE level 2 property developer that converted to a real estate investment trust (REIT) in May 2018 and has been listed on the JSE since 2013.... read more

ORIONMIN - 12/03/2025

Orion Minerals (ORN) is an Australian exploration company which is listed on the JSE (September 2017) and on the Australian Stock Exchange in Sydney. It is trying... read more

CLIENTELE - 12/03/2025

Clientele Life (CLI) is a small insurance company selling short- and long-term policies and underwriting insurance products. Their products are sold through agents... read more

ABSAGROUP - 12/03/2025

ABSA (ABG) is one of the largest banking groups operating in Africa. It has well-established branches in 12 African countries and representative offices in at... read more

TEXTON - 11/03/2025

Texton (TEX) is a small real estate investment trust (REIT). The company owns forty-eight retail, industrial and office properties, 55,4% of which are in South... read more

SUNINT - 11/03/2025

Sun International (SUI) is a casino and hotel operator with interests in South Africa, Chile, Peru and recently, Argentina. The depressed economy in South Africa... read more

MERAFE - 11/03/2025

This is a ferrochrome operation controlled by Glencore which operates mines, furnaces and smelters in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. The Glencore-Merafe joint venture... read more

A-V-I - 11/03/2025

Anglovaal Industries (AVI) is a generalised producer of consumer products in the food, cosmetics, and apparel sectors. It has a diverse range of very well-known... read more

MPACT - 11/03/2025

Mpact (MPT) is a large producer of paper and plastics packaging in Southern Africa. It recycles paper and cardboard and makes corrugated cardboard containers for... read more

RAINBOW - 10/03/2025

Rainbow is a chicken farming business from broilers through all stages of chicken production. It was unbundled from RCL Foods on 26th June 2024 with RCL shareholders... read more